Kamis, Desember 29, 2011
Rabu, Desember 28, 2011
100 tokoh berpengaruh bagi dunia
Peringkat Nama Pengaruh
1 Nabi Muhammad SAW Penyebar agama Islam, penguasa Arabia, mempunyai karier politik dan keagamaan yang luar biasa, namun tetap seimbang dan serasi, mengakibatkan Nabi Muhammad memiliki banyak pengikut, dan juga menjadi panutan seluruh masyarakat dunia hingga saat ini.
2 Isaac Newton Fisikawan, pencetus Teori Gravitasi umum, Hukum gerak
3 Yesus / Nabi Isa Isa Al Masih Kristen
4 Siddhartha Gautama(Buddha) Pendiri agama Buddha
5 Kong Hu Cu Pendiri agama Kong Hu Cu
6 Santo Paulus Penyebar ajaran Kristen
7 Ts'ai Lun Penemu kertas
8 Johann Gutenberg Mengembangkan mesin cetak, mencetak Alkitab
9 Christopher Columbus Penjelajah, memimpin orang-orang Eropa ke Amerika
10 Albert Einstein Fisikawan, penemu Teori Relativitas
11 Louis Pasteur Ilmuwan, penemu Pasteurisasi
12 Galileo Galilei Astronom, secara akurat mengemukakan teori Heliosentris
13 Aristoteles Filsuf Yunani yang berpengaruh
14 Euclides Matematikawan, membuktikan tentang Geometri
15 Nabi Musa Nabi terbesar Yahudi
16 Charles Robert Darwin Biologis, mendeskripsikan teori Evolusi
17 Kaisar Qin Shi Huang-Di Kaisar Tiongkok
18 Augustus Caesar(Kaisar Agustus) Kaisar pertama Kekaisaran Romawi
19 Nicolaus Copernicus Astronom, salah satu tokoh Teori Heliosentris
20 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Bapak Kimia modern, Filsuf dan Ekonom
21 Constantine yang Agung Kaisar Romawi yang menjadikan agama Kristen sebagai agama resmi negara
22 James Watt Mengembangkan Mesin uap
23 Michael Faraday Fisikawan, Kimiawan, menemukan Induksi Elektromagnetik
24 James Clerk Maxwell Fisikawan, penemu Spektrum Elektromagnetik
25 Martin Luther Pendiri agama Protestan dan aliran Lutheran
26 George Washington Presiden pertama Amerika Serikat
27 Karl Heinrich Marx Bapak Komunisme
28 Orville Wrightdan Wilbur Wright Penemu Pesawat terbang
29 Genghis Khan Penakluk dari bangsa Mongol
30 Adam Smith Ekonom, pelopor Kapitalisme
31 Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford Kemungkinan menulis karya yang berkaitan dengan William Shakespeare
32 John Dalton Kimiawan, Fisikawan, penemu Teori Atom, Hukum Tekanan Parsial (Hukum Dalton)
33 Alexander yang Agung / Iskandar Zulkarnain Penakluk dari Makedonia
34 KaisarNapoleon Bonaparte Penakluk dari bangsa Perancis
35 Thomas Alva Edison Penemu bola lampu dan Fonograf, dll.
36 Antony van Leeuwenhoek Ahli Mikroskop, mempelajari kehidupan mikroskopis
37 William Thomas Green Morton Pelopor Anestesiologi
38 Guglielmo Marconi Penemu Radio
39 Adolf Hitler Penakluk, memimpin Blok Poros dalam Perang Dunia II
40 Plato Filsuf Yunani
41 Oliver Cromwell Politikus Inggris dan pemimpin militer
42 Alexander Graham Bell Salah seorang penemu Telepon
43 Alexander Fleming Penemu Penisilin, memajukan Bakteriologi, Imunologi dan Kemoterapi
44 John Locke Filsuf dan Teolog liberal
45 Ludwig van Beethoven Komponis musik klasik
46 Werner Karl Heisenberg Pencetus Prinsip Ketidakpastian
47 Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre Penemu/pelopor Fotografi
48 Simon Bolivar Pahlawan nasional dari Venezuela, Kolombia, Ekuador, Peru, dan Bolivia
49 René Descartes Filsuf Rasionalis dan matematikawan
50 Umar bin al-Khattab Khalifah Ar-Rasyidin kedua, memperluas Daulah Khilafah Islamiyah. Penerus cita-cita Nabi Muhammad SAW.
51 Paus Urbanus II Penyeru Perang Salib
52 Michelangelo Buonarroti Pelukis, pematung, arsitek
53 Asoka Raja India yang masuk dan mengembangkan agama Buddha
54 SantoAugustinus Teolog Kristen awal
55 William Harvey Penemu sirkulasi darah
56 Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson Fisikawan
57 John Calvin Tokoh Reformasi Gereja, pendiri Calvinisme
58 Gregor Johann Mendel Penemu teori genetika
59 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Fisikawan, mengemukakan Termodinamika
60 Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister Pelaku penemuan Antiseptik yang secara besar mengurangi kematian akibat pembedahan
61 Nikolaus August Otto Penemu mesin pembakaran 4 tak
62 Francisco Pizarro Penakluk dari bangsa Spanyol yang menaklukkan Kerajaan Inka di Amerika Selatan
63 Hernando Cortes Penakluk dari bangsa Spanyol yang menaklukkan Meksiko
64 Thomas Jefferson Presiden ketiga AS
65 Ratu Isabella I Penguasa Spanyol, penyokong Cristopher Colombus
66 Joseph Stalin(Joseph Vissarionovich Dzugashvili Tokoh revolusioner dan penguasa Uni Soviet
67 Julius Caesar Penguasa Roma
68 Raja William Isang Penakluk Meletakkan pembangunan Inggris modern
69 Sigmund Freud Pendiri sekolah Freud untuk psikologi, ahli psikoanalisis
70 Edward Jenner Penemu vaksin cacar
71 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen Penemu sinar X
72 Johann Sebastian Bach Komponis
73 Lao Tzu Pendiri Taoisme
74 Voltaire Penulis dan filsuf
75 Johannes Kepler Astronom penemu Hukum Kepler tentang pergerakan planet
76 Enrico Fermi Salah satu tokoh abad atom, Bapak Bom Atom
77 Leonhard Euler Fisikawan, matematikawan penemu Kalkulus Diferensial dan Integral serta Aljabar
78 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Filsuf dan pengarang Prancis
79 Niccolò Machiavelli Penulis Sang Pangeran (risalat politik yang berpengaruh)
80 Thomas Robert Malthus Ekonom penulis Esai Prinsip Populasi dalam Pengaruhnya pada Kemajuan Masa Depan pada Masyarakat
81 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Presiden AS yang mendirikan "Program Luar Angkasa Apollo"
82 Gregory Goodwin Pincus Endokrinolog, menemukan pil KB
83 Mani (en) Nabi Iran abad ke-3, Pendiri Manicheanisme
84 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin(Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) Tokoh revolusioner dan pemimpin Rusia
85 Kaisar Sui Wen Menyatukan Tiongkok, pendiri Dinasti Sui
86 Vasco da Gama Navigator, penemu rute pelayaran Eropa ke India
87 Raja Cyrus yang Agung Pendiri kekaisaran Persia
88 Tsar Peter yang Agung Mendekatkan Rusia kepada Eropa
89 Mao Zedong(Mao Tse-tung) Bapak Maoisme, komunisme Tiongkok
90 Sir Francis Bacon Filsuf, menggambarkan secara induktif metode ilmiah
91 Henry Ford Pembuat mobil model T
92 Meng Tse Filsuf, pendiri sekolah Konfusianisme
93 Zarathustra(Zoroaster) Pendiri Zoroastrianisme
94 RatuElizabeth I Ratu Inggris, memperbaiki Gereja Inggris setelah Ratu Mary
95 Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Perdana Menteri Rusia yang mengakhiri Komunisme di Uni Soviet dan Eropa Timur
96 Raja Menes Menyatukan Mesir Hulu dan Hilir
97 KaisarCharlemagne Kaisar Romawi Suci
98 Homer Penyair epik
99 KaisarJustinianus I Kaisar Romawi Timur, menaklukkan kembali sebagian Kekaisaran Romawi Barat
100 Mahavira Pendiri Jainisme
muklasagussaputra.blogspot: Lirik Lagu Rafly-Ibu(ost Hafalan Shalat Delisa)
Sydney Achievers International Scholarships, University of Sydney, Australia
The University of Sydney takes great pleasure in announcing the Sydney Achievers International Scholarships for new international students commencing at the University in 2012.
These prestigious scholarships are aimed at attracting high achieving, academically meritorious, international students to enjoy the ‘Sydney experience’ at one of the finest institutions of highereducation in the world.
Details are as follows:
30 scholarships of AUD$10,000 each per annum, available for a maximum of three years, (total value AUD$30,000) for any Undergraduate program offered at the University of Sydney (subject to the recipient maintaining satisfactory academic progress each year).
No living allowance is payable.
Criteria for Eligibility
Applicants must have completed an Australian Year 12 qualification or an international senior secondary qualification accepted by the University with an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) of at least 98* or equivalent.
Students who have already commenced tertiary studies, or students transferring with credit exemptions and/or advanced standing are not eligible. Students completing Foundation Studies Programs are also not eligible.
* For further information on equivalents to Australian Year 12 qualifications and a table showing standard academic requirements for some of these examinations relative to ATAR scores see:
30 scholarships of AUD$10,000 each, available as a one-off award (total value AUD$10,000) for any Postgraduate Coursework program offered at the University of Sydney.
No living allowance is payable.
Criteria for Eligibility
Applicants must have completed the equivalent of an Australian Bachelor degree qualification with a minimum high distinction average as based on the Australian grading system. Students who have already commenced postgraduate studies, or students transferring from other postgraduate programs are not eligible.
Application Procedure :
No separate application for a scholarship is necessary. An Application for Admission to the University of Sydney in 2012 will constitute an application for a scholarship. All applications meeting the selection and eligibility criteria will be automatically considered.
The deadline for receipt of applications and complete supporting documentation (academic and Englishlanguage proficiency results) is 31 October 2011 for Semester 1, 2012, and 30 April 2012 (for Semester 2, 2012). Applications received after these deadlines will not be considered.
Selection Criteria
Selection will be based strictly on academic merit as per the University’s admission requirements. Selection will be based on actual results (academic and English language proficiency). Predicted/forecast results will not be considered.
Only applicants with firm, unconditional offers of admission will be considered.
Selection will be made by the University’s Scholarship Selection Committee, whose decision will be final. No appeals will be entertained.
Successful candidates will be informed in December 2011 (Semester 1, 2012) and June 2012 (Semester 2. 2012). Successful candidates applying through UAC will be informed in January 2012.
Undergraduate scholarship recipients will need to maintain satisfactory academic progress, which, for the purposes of retaining the scholarship, is defined as maintaining a credit average (at least 65%) or more each year. Failure to do so may result in the scholarship being terminated.
Successful candidates:
- must not be in receipt of any other tuition scholarship;
- must commence study in 2012 – commencement may not be deferred;
- will be required to pay for their own airfares to Sydney, living expenses, study materials, text books, any ancillary fees (if applicable) and Overseas Student Health Cover each year;
- are also responsible for paying the balance of the tuition fees each year;
- are required to enrol as full-time international students and must maintain their international student status on a full-time basis throughout their enrolment at the University of Sydney; and
- may not be entitled to a ‘Leave of Absence’ during the duration of the scholarship, unless it is due to extenuating circumstances.
The University of Sydney reserves the right to make changes to this scholarships program without notice and at its discretion.
Summer Research Program in Life Sciences and Technology, Switzerland
The Summer Research Program in Life Sciences and Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), will offer an intensive research training opportunity to 25undergraduate students interested in research careers in life sciences. This program will run from July 9th to August 31st 2012.
Each student will gain hands-on lab experience under the supervision of an EPFL Faculty from one of our institutes.
· Brain Mind Instutute (BMI)
· Institute of Bioengineering (IBI)
· Global Health Institute (GHI)
· Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC)
The SRP is made up of several parts and the student must participate in each one.
· Two months of lab work (40 hours/week)
· Friday Seminars
· Closing Student Symposium
· Social Events
The participants will:
· Gain hands-on research experience and training with exposure to cutting-edge research.
· Experience what it is like to be a member of a research community working at the forefront of science, medicine and biotechnology.
· Have the opportunity to apply what was learned in the classroom to understanding and solving actual research problems in the laboratory.
· Acquire a better understanding of the scientific process and the application of the knowledge gained from basic science research and state-of-the-art techniques to solve complex problems in biology and medicine.
· Improve their critical thinking skills, including learning how to evaluate scientific information, design experiments, formulate ideas and test hypotheses.
· Explore career opportunities in academia by experiencing the excitement, frustration, and challenges of scientific research and gain an insight into what a career in the science entails.
· Prepare for future independent research projects and advanced research in graduate school.
The summer research fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis taking into consideration several criteria including the student’s academic record, personal statement and letters of recommendation.
SRP Eligibility:
To be considered for the program, applicants…
· Must be enrolled in a degree program in biology, physics, chemistry, bio-engineering, orcomputational sciences and plan on pursuing a career in the life sciences. Basic Life Sciences backgound is essential. Previous lab experience is a plus.
· Must be in good standing with a GPA equivalent to a 3.75/4.0 grade or higher and should have completed at least 2 years of undergraduate coursework by the summer of 2012. (If your university does not use a 4 point scale, then include an explanation of the your grading scale with your motivation letter.)
· Usually participants come from the top 10% of their class and have some research experience. Their essays show passion and motivation!
· Sometimes we do select 1st year master’s students, but we mostly aim at undergraduates. (Undergraduate means the first 4 years of university training usually towards a bachelor’s degree.) Students from the medically focused studies are also welcome to apply, but we like to see that their background also includes hard science, ie physics, quantiative biology, genetics courses etc.
· Please keep in mind that last year, we received almost 800 complete applications! This unfortunately makes the acceptance rate very low. We will announce the selected participants 2 to 3 weeks after the deadline.
Applicants must submit a complete on-line application, including pdf uploads of the following:
· A CV (1 – 2 pages)
· A motivation letter (maximum 1000 words) describing your academic background, scientific interests, any previous research experience, what you will bring to the program and what you hope to accomplish from attending the summer research program.
· A short explanation of why you would like to work in the labs that you chose. One or two sentences will be sufficient for each lab.
· Official copy of the student’s university academic transcript or school official list of classes and grades. (in English or one of the major European languates) up to the moment of the SRP application. (The candidate may translate their transcript her(him)self and have a faculty member sign it to verify its authenticity.)
· Two e-mail addresses of faculty or instructors who are familiar with the student and are in a position to assess the student’s capabilities and potential for a career in science. If you have had the opportunity to work in a lab, please include a recommendation from the lab head. A link will be sent to the referee shortly afterwards for uploading their recommendation.
Additional Requirements
The intensive nature of the program requires full-time commitment (~40 hours/week) from the participants. All the participants are required to attend all scheduled events and activities related to the program. Therefore, participants may not attend another summer school or commit to other activities during the duration of this program that could interfere with their work. Students must be present the entire length of the program. Most weekends are free for your own enjoyment.
General Info, Housing, Stipend, Visas
· Up to 25 students are selected from over 750 applicants per year.
· There is no restriction on nationality.
· It is free to apply! No cost!
· A financial compensation for living and housing expenses are provided for all successful candidates.
· The majority of travel expenses are covered by program sponsors and the School of Life Sciences. Students are asked to make their own travel arrangements and the SRP coordinator will reimburse the amount once the program starts. In general, up to 1,200 CHF for overseas travel and up to 500 CHF for European travel is covered.
· Housing is provided in the Lausanne area for the duration of the program.
· Students must ensure that they have a valid health and accident insurance.
· The working language is English.
· Some funding is available for excursions and social events
How will the housing be arranged?
The program coordinator will arrange and pay for the housing out of the stipend. Because it is very difficult to find housing for 25 students in one place, we usually use two lodgings. Students from other programs will also be housed in these buildings. Normally, you have your own single room and share a common living area for cooking and eating. The program coordinator will inform you when your housing assignment is made, how to contact them and where it is located.
Money Matters
When will I receive my stipend?
After your housing as been paid for, the remaining money of your stipend will be paid in two sums: one at the beginning of the program and one in the middle of the program. Housing uses about half of the stipend leaving approximately 1,500 CHF to live on. Students have been able to manage on this amount by being careful. It is advised to bring extra money for weekend travel.
Travel Expenses:
Up to 500 CHF for European travel and up to 1200 CHF for overseas travel will be reimbursed at the beginning of the program. You must have receipts showing the price paid for travel when you arrive at the EPFL.
You may or may not need a visa depending on your nationality. Since the procedure varies from year to year, the program coordinator and our human resources office will advise you as to what to do once you are admitted to the program.
Deadline for Applications: February 6th 2012
The Summer Research Program in Life Sciences and Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), will offer an intensive research training opportunity to 25undergraduate students interested in research careers in life sciences. This program will run from July 9th to August 31st 2012.
Each student will gain hands-on lab experience under the supervision of an EPFL Faculty from one of our institutes.
· Brain Mind Instutute (BMI)
· Institute of Bioengineering (IBI)
· Global Health Institute (GHI)
· Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC)
The SRP is made up of several parts and the student must participate in each one.
· Two months of lab work (40 hours/week)
· Friday Seminars
· Closing Student Symposium
· Social Events
The participants will:
· Gain hands-on research experience and training with exposure to cutting-edge research.
· Experience what it is like to be a member of a research community working at the forefront of science, medicine and biotechnology.
· Have the opportunity to apply what was learned in the classroom to understanding and solving actual research problems in the laboratory.
· Acquire a better understanding of the scientific process and the application of the knowledge gained from basic science research and state-of-the-art techniques to solve complex problems in biology and medicine.
· Improve their critical thinking skills, including learning how to evaluate scientific information, design experiments, formulate ideas and test hypotheses.
· Explore career opportunities in academia by experiencing the excitement, frustration, and challenges of scientific research and gain an insight into what a career in the science entails.
· Prepare for future independent research projects and advanced research in graduate school.
The summer research fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis taking into consideration several criteria including the student’s academic record, personal statement and letters of recommendation.
SRP Eligibility:
To be considered for the program, applicants…
· Must be enrolled in a degree program in biology, physics, chemistry, bio-engineering, orcomputational sciences and plan on pursuing a career in the life sciences. Basic Life Sciences backgound is essential. Previous lab experience is a plus.
· Must be in good standing with a GPA equivalent to a 3.75/4.0 grade or higher and should have completed at least 2 years of undergraduate coursework by the summer of 2012. (If your university does not use a 4 point scale, then include an explanation of the your grading scale with your motivation letter.)
· Usually participants come from the top 10% of their class and have some research experience. Their essays show passion and motivation!
· Sometimes we do select 1st year master’s students, but we mostly aim at undergraduates. (Undergraduate means the first 4 years of university training usually towards a bachelor’s degree.) Students from the medically focused studies are also welcome to apply, but we like to see that their background also includes hard science, ie physics, quantiative biology, genetics courses etc.
· Please keep in mind that last year, we received almost 800 complete applications! This unfortunately makes the acceptance rate very low. We will announce the selected participants 2 to 3 weeks after the deadline.
Applicants must submit a complete on-line application, including pdf uploads of the following:
· A CV (1 – 2 pages)
· A motivation letter (maximum 1000 words) describing your academic background, scientific interests, any previous research experience, what you will bring to the program and what you hope to accomplish from attending the summer research program.
· A short explanation of why you would like to work in the labs that you chose. One or two sentences will be sufficient for each lab.
· Official copy of the student’s university academic transcript or school official list of classes and grades. (in English or one of the major European languates) up to the moment of the SRP application. (The candidate may translate their transcript her(him)self and have a faculty member sign it to verify its authenticity.)
· Two e-mail addresses of faculty or instructors who are familiar with the student and are in a position to assess the student’s capabilities and potential for a career in science. If you have had the opportunity to work in a lab, please include a recommendation from the lab head. A link will be sent to the referee shortly afterwards for uploading their recommendation.
Additional Requirements
The intensive nature of the program requires full-time commitment (~40 hours/week) from the participants. All the participants are required to attend all scheduled events and activities related to the program. Therefore, participants may not attend another summer school or commit to other activities during the duration of this program that could interfere with their work. Students must be present the entire length of the program. Most weekends are free for your own enjoyment.
General Info, Housing, Stipend, Visas
· Up to 25 students are selected from over 750 applicants per year.
· There is no restriction on nationality.
· It is free to apply! No cost!
· A financial compensation for living and housing expenses are provided for all successful candidates.
· The majority of travel expenses are covered by program sponsors and the School of Life Sciences. Students are asked to make their own travel arrangements and the SRP coordinator will reimburse the amount once the program starts. In general, up to 1,200 CHF for overseas travel and up to 500 CHF for European travel is covered.
· Housing is provided in the Lausanne area for the duration of the program.
· Students must ensure that they have a valid health and accident insurance.
· The working language is English.
· Some funding is available for excursions and social events
How will the housing be arranged?
The program coordinator will arrange and pay for the housing out of the stipend. Because it is very difficult to find housing for 25 students in one place, we usually use two lodgings. Students from other programs will also be housed in these buildings. Normally, you have your own single room and share a common living area for cooking and eating. The program coordinator will inform you when your housing assignment is made, how to contact them and where it is located.
Money Matters
When will I receive my stipend?
After your housing as been paid for, the remaining money of your stipend will be paid in two sums: one at the beginning of the program and one in the middle of the program. Housing uses about half of the stipend leaving approximately 1,500 CHF to live on. Students have been able to manage on this amount by being careful. It is advised to bring extra money for weekend travel.
Travel Expenses:
Up to 500 CHF for European travel and up to 1200 CHF for overseas travel will be reimbursed at the beginning of the program. You must have receipts showing the price paid for travel when you arrive at the EPFL.
You may or may not need a visa depending on your nationality. Since the procedure varies from year to year, the program coordinator and our human resources office will advise you as to what to do once you are admitted to the program.
Deadline for Applications: February 6th 2012
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